lEt's get started

The best way to decide if Back Cove Financial is the right firm for you is to spend a little time together. You can tell us about your interests, financial goals and anything else you'd like to share, and we'll explain our approach to investing and how we work with our clients, and answer any questions you may have.

Please call at (207) 541-9500 or email us at Info@BackCoveFinancial.com
to schedule a meeting.
You can also fax us at (207) 482-0969.


Here's what to expect:

  • We will take the time to get to know each other. Our comfort with each other will ensure mutual success.
  • We will focus on creating a comprehensive plan for your financial well-being, including how you invest your money, your employment goals, home-buying plans, retirement planning, spending goals, and everything else that is important to you.
  • You will leave breathing easier and feeling confident about the next steps.


Before we meet, we’ll mail you the following (view the details below):